Monday, January 20, 2014

Farewell, Blogger. Farewell, Wolves

Well, figured I'd better have a better closing post.

Sorry Stormy, Chile, and Elaine. We had fun while it lasted, but I guess it is obvious tat we are no longer the big Potterheads we used to be when we started this site and put so much into it.
This same post will be on FH and GGWA, cause I need to say farewell somehow. Will also be on NightPack and DeathPack as well.
Speaking of, I have a story I'm writing called "Dragonology". I have a blog dedicated to all the characters here: But, it contains spoilers to the story.
I am on Quotev:
And Tumblr:
I'm also on World of Warcraft, on the Sentinels server, if you play. (Vanessarose on Sentinels realm. She's my main. I'm Alliance, btw, so if you are a Horde, contact Celestah on the same realm.) And I'm also on Everquest 2, but rarely. (Celestah on Splitpaw server) also Guild Wars 2, rarely too. (Celestah on Anvil Rock server)
Elaine is on tumblr and QWuotev, ut I dunno if she wants me, the main admin giving out her info. I've lost contact with Stormy and Chile, so if you guys see this, feel free to give me any info.
My stories are here:
And also, the prequel:
So... I guess this is goodbye... it was fun while it lasted, but, to be honest, I'm having more fun writing than I am roleplaying anymore. So...
Farewll everyone. I love all of you! I miss all of you!
Make sure to take your virtual choclate chip or sugar cookie tins on the way out. *Cries*. I loved runing this, I really did. And if anyone has a diffrent fandom that they think I can run a blog for, than hand it to me! (I'm more up for TMI/TID or something I've read or watched.). Love you, and I hope we meet again.

~Celestah Rose, Main Admin

Friday, February 17, 2012

Old Friend

Star looked out of her den to see two male wolves walking into camp, one was being pushed more than anything else. Star slowly walked out of her den. "Ra and Nikori. I knew you were comming."
Two big black wolves started towardes the strangers but, Star held her tail up. "Leave them." she growled. They slowly strutted back to the side of her den and she smiled. "I see you and this piece of junk survived FiercePack and NightPack's onslaught." she cooed.
"Pity. Here I thought I would have the forest all to myself. And, why, may I ask, did you bring this pathetic piece of trash to me? I can't use him, however, maybe The Mist can." she spat the last words out as if they were a curse.
"As a gift, Star." he replied. She snorted. "A 'gift'? Pathetic! Everyone thinks he is dead. And, what, prey tell, will we do with him?"
"Keep him prisoner." Darkness suggessted. "After all, Star, this male is the leader of FiercePack."
"I know." she growled. "Throw him in the Pit of Doom."
"What?" a weak sound came from Nikori and a thin smile came across Star's face. "My father will mentally toprture you, maybe even drive you insane. But, that is for your brain to decide. My father is very powerful, being a DarkPack wolf."
"I thought Frost was dead!"
"He is, Nikori. That doesn't mean he can't take a dead wolf's body." she turned to a white wolf who was standing behind her. "As you can see, he has taken... your brother's body, Ra. I hope you are alright with that."
With that she waved her tail and the two great black wolves hauled Nikori off to a pit in the middle of the camp. Frost looked into Ra's eyes. "I see you have a hunger for power. Very well."
His blood red eyes, those belonged to Frost, blazed as he touched Ra's head. "I have given you strength. Of a polar bear." As he left he turned his head. "Just don't try anything on my daughter, Ra. I will know. you will have to ask my permission first."

(Got the body idea from Ghost Rider. Just saw it today. I thoguht maybe Frost being in Sol's body would intimidate Ra.)

Monday, August 8, 2011

A Run-In With an Old Friend

Star staggered through the forrest. She had been spying on the other two. Fierce Pack still exsisted. She had ended up being mauled by a bear, whic was immunew to her powers.
She crossed the small stream between he two forrests and limped into a darkened camp. Wolves growled at her and threw menacing wrds at her which she ignored. Frost is with me. Not them. I'll finis Ra off after I use him to help me decimate NightPack and The Survivors. she thought.
She looked around for a white male wolf who she had helped destroy Fierce Pack. She saw many wolves. Her mind flew to that of a black one named Salazar. So he told them. Heh! He blew his cover and got what he deserved! she thought to herself. She got into the middle of the camp and finally spoke. "I would like to speak to Ra!" she said clearly.
She smiled to herself. After both packs are dead, I will tell my wolves to kill the Death Eaters. There is only room for one of our packs in this forrest. And that one must be mine! After all, my wolves are more powerful than his. They won't see it comming! she thought defiantly.

(Okay, Primy. Time for DeathPack and tthe Death Eaters to make yet another alliance.)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

In StarPack?!

Star was fuming when she walked out of her den. "What is it, Star?" Darkness asked. She spun around in anger and held him against the camp wall. "My daughter is in StarPack!!!" she hissed.
She dropped Darkness who fell to the ground coughing. "I got a message from Frost. And it was to have you, kill the raven!" she contiinued.
"But my lady! Raven is only an apprentice! He can't..."
"Just do it, Darkness!" she spat.
Darkness bowed his head. "Very Well."

(Just think Anna in V . . lol)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Looks like I just have to make this pack bigger

Tittle says it all. I can't have a pack of 7 wolves (DP) go up against a pack of 24 wolves (NP). I found that barly anyone comments anymore and that it looks like I just have to be 20 more wolves to make a legitamit attack.
Well . . . .if anyone has anyone they want to join JOIN NOW!!! I need MORE evil wolves.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Audrey's betrayal

Star came into camp with an angry look on her face. "We need to kill him!" she hissed in anger. She stared at Audrey and looked up at the sky. "DarkPack help us." she whispered.
Audrey was having second thoughts. Should I follow my mother? She wondered. She shook her head. She would think of that later. "Every day the raven grows stronger. And the Unknown refuse to help." Star growled.
"Do you have anything to do with this, Audrey?" she hissed. Audrey shook her head. "Never." she replied. Suddenly Frost's voice rang throgh er head. "I  chose you to kill Storm, Audrey. You have to do it."
She turned and ran to the river. She couldnt take it anymore. She turned and was fgace to face with Frost. "I cant take it anymore you monster!" she hissed. "I'm going to do everything I can to make sure StarPack gets Starforest back!" she continued.
Frost slowly smiled. "Thre is no turning back." he hissed. "There has to be!" she screamed. "And what are you talking about?" Cyra asked stepping out of the bushes. "You know, I am a full grown assassin. It is my job to kill traitors." she hissed.
Audrey stared at her. This wasent good. "Are you betraying your mother?" she asked. Audrey quickly shook her head. "No." she said quickly.
Cyra smiled. Water shot out of the river. "I should drownd you right here on the spot. But I wont." she growled letting the water fall back into the river. Audrey let out a sigh of releif as Cyra walked back to camp,
That was a close call. She thought about escaping. Would it work? Would NightPack take her back? She stared at the water and sighed. NightPack would see her as a traiter and eventually her mother would find out and she would kill her.
She looked up at the sky. "StarPack, forgive me!" she yelled. Then she jumped into the water. She went under fast and let it fill her nose. Her life was flashing before her eyes.
Her puppyhood, her training, the fight. She felt the water filling her lungs. and then the world went black. She was dead.
Star let out a long howl. Audrey's dead body was by her paws. "She was drowned by her father." she hissed. "I know SnowDawn's scent when I smell it." she growled.
Audrey's wet body was limp in Darkness's mouth. "We will bury her in the name of DarkPack tonight. May she help Frost rule over Starforest for eternity." she whispered.
She touced noses with her daughters dead body. "You would have made a wonderfull leader." she whispered. Then she slowly walked back to her den.

((Star kinda reminds me of Anna in V))

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A new enemy

Audrey Howled in harmony with another famileir howl. It was Star. "We have a new enemy." Star hissed. "Her name is Sylvanas, or known to her pack as Sylvanas Windrunner." she continued. She is the leader of these fallen Starpack wolves." Audrey growled.
"I suggest we try to get them on our side before we do anything else." Star spat. "Meeting Dismissed." they said together.