Friday, February 17, 2012

Old Friend

Star looked out of her den to see two male wolves walking into camp, one was being pushed more than anything else. Star slowly walked out of her den. "Ra and Nikori. I knew you were comming."
Two big black wolves started towardes the strangers but, Star held her tail up. "Leave them." she growled. They slowly strutted back to the side of her den and she smiled. "I see you and this piece of junk survived FiercePack and NightPack's onslaught." she cooed.
"Pity. Here I thought I would have the forest all to myself. And, why, may I ask, did you bring this pathetic piece of trash to me? I can't use him, however, maybe The Mist can." she spat the last words out as if they were a curse.
"As a gift, Star." he replied. She snorted. "A 'gift'? Pathetic! Everyone thinks he is dead. And, what, prey tell, will we do with him?"
"Keep him prisoner." Darkness suggessted. "After all, Star, this male is the leader of FiercePack."
"I know." she growled. "Throw him in the Pit of Doom."
"What?" a weak sound came from Nikori and a thin smile came across Star's face. "My father will mentally toprture you, maybe even drive you insane. But, that is for your brain to decide. My father is very powerful, being a DarkPack wolf."
"I thought Frost was dead!"
"He is, Nikori. That doesn't mean he can't take a dead wolf's body." she turned to a white wolf who was standing behind her. "As you can see, he has taken... your brother's body, Ra. I hope you are alright with that."
With that she waved her tail and the two great black wolves hauled Nikori off to a pit in the middle of the camp. Frost looked into Ra's eyes. "I see you have a hunger for power. Very well."
His blood red eyes, those belonged to Frost, blazed as he touched Ra's head. "I have given you strength. Of a polar bear." As he left he turned his head. "Just don't try anything on my daughter, Ra. I will know. you will have to ask my permission first."

(Got the body idea from Ghost Rider. Just saw it today. I thoguht maybe Frost being in Sol's body would intimidate Ra.)